Presentamos los artículos de investigación producidos por los miembros y contactos de Amarun. Estos artículos son originales y su descarga es totalmente libre. Las versiones presentadas aquí pueden diferir de las versiones publicadas en las revistas especializadas.
Nr. | Autor/fecha | Título | |
O. Jarrin, G. Loachamín 24.12.2024 | On the fractional approach to quadratic nonlinear parabolic systems | DESCARGAR | |
Enrique Lopez, et al. 27.11.2024 | Geometric and analytic results for Einstein solitons | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, F. Cortez 27.11.2024 | The role of the dimension in uniqueness results for the stationary quasi-geostrophic system | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, A. Marcoci, L. Marcoci 1.10.2024 | A new pointwise inequality for rough operators and applications | DESCARGAR | |
M.F. Cortez, O. Jarrin 07.08.2024 | Mathematical study of a new Navier-Stokes-alpha model with nonlinear filter equation - Part I | DESCARGAR | |
R. Llerena, P. Piovano 04.08.2024 | Solutions for a free-boundary problem modeling multilayer films with coherent and incoherent interfaces | DESCARGAR | |
O.Jarrin 20.06.2024 | A general Liouville-type theorem for the 3D steady-state Magnetic-Bénard system | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, D. Llerena 04.06.2024 | Partial regularity and L3 -norm concentration effects around possible blow-up points for the micropolar fluid equations | DESCARGAR | |
P. Fernández, O. Jarrín 23.04.2024 | Mild solutions to the 3D-Boussinesq system with weakened initial temperature
O. Jarrin, G. Vergara-Hermosilla 27.02.2024 | On The Blow-Up For A Kuramoto-Velarde Type Equation
D. Chamorro, G. Vergara-Hermosilla 10.11.2023 | Liouville type theorems for stationary Navier-Stokes equations with Lebesgue spaces of variable exponent
R. Llerena, P. Piovano 25.10.2023 | Existence of minimizers for a two-phase free boundary problem with coherent and incoherent interfaces
O. Jarrín, G. Vergara-Hermosilla 20.10.2023 | A Lp - theory for fractional stationary Navier-Stokes equations
O. Jarrín, G. Loachamín 01.10.2023 | From non-local to local Navier-Stokes equations | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrín 01.10.2023 | On the existence, regularity and uniqueness of Lp-solutions to the steady-state 3D Boussinesq system in the whole space | DESCARGAR | |
M. Cortez, O. Jarrín 01.10.2023 | Sharp well-posedness and spatial decaying for a generalized dispersive-dissipative Kuramoto-type equation and applications to related models | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, G. Vergara-Hermosilla 26.09.2023 | Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent: some applications to the Navier-Stokes equations. | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, D. Llerena, & G. Vergara-Hermosilla 01.05.2023 | Some remarks about the stationary Micropolar fluid equations: existence, regularity and uniqueness. | DESCARGAR | |
M. Salvador, N. Alomoto et. al 06.04.2023 | Planning models for floriculture operations | DESCARGAR | |
S. Bortz, B. Poggi, O. Tapiola, & X. Tolsa 05.04.2023 | The A^infinity condition, epsilon-approximators, and Varopoulos extensions in uniform domains | DESCARGAR | |
P. Toaza, Y. Uematsu 11.04.2023 | Analysis and modeling of the strain distribution and evolution during a fatigue test in ULCF and LCF on a friction stir welded specimen from steel and aluminum | DESCARGAR | |
C. Mayorga et. al. 05.04.2023 | On the Construction of Exact Numerical Schemes for Linear Delay Models | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, O. Jarrín 01.04.2023 | A turbulent study for a damped Navier-Stokes equation: turbulence and problems | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, C. Mîndrila 28.03.2023 | A new approach for the regularity of weak solutions of the 3D Boussinesq system | DESCARGAR | |
S. Achig 03.03.2023 | Singular lagrangian torus fibrations on the smoothing of algebraic cones | DESCARGAR | |
S. Bortz, S. Hofmann, J.L. Luna, S. Mayboroda & B. Poggi 02.03.2023 | Critical perturbations for second order elliptic operators. Part II: Non-tangential maximal functions estimates | DESCARGAR | |
M. Mourgoglou, B. Poggi & X. Tolsa 20.02.2023 | Solvability of the Poisson-Dirichlet problem with interior data in Lp'-Carleson spaces and its application to the Lp-regularity problem | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, D. Llerena 15.02.2023 | Partial suitable solutions for the micropolar equations and regularity properties | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga, A. Macancela & J. Murillo 31.01.2023 | Multiplicity of solutions for a p-Schrödinger-Kirchhoff-type integro-differential equations | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrin 20.12.2022 | Few remarks on the regularity of weak solutions for two elliptic coupled systems of fluid dynamics | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro & B. Poggi 24.11.2022 | On an almost sharp Liouville type theorem for fractional Navier-Stokes equations | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrín 07.09.2022 | Asymptotic behavior of a generalized Navier-Stokes-Bardina’s model and applications to related models | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, S. Menozzi 14.06.2022 | Non Linear Singular Drifts and Fractional Operators | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, N. Meunier 05.06.2022 | Analysis of a nonlocal and nonlinear system for cell-cell communication | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, D. Llerena 24.05.2022 | A crypto-regularity result for the micropolar fluids equation | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, M. Yangari 17.03.2022 | Some existence and regularity results for a non-local transport-diffusion equation with fractional derivatives in time and space | DESCARGAR | |
J.-F. Babadjian, R. Llerena 15.02.2022 | Mixed boundary conditions as limits of dissipative boundary conditions in dynamic perfect plasticity | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrín, G. Loachamín 07.02.2022 | From anomalous to classical diffusion in a non-linear heat equation | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, D. Llerena 10.11.2021 | Interior epsilon-regularity theory for the solutions of the magneto-micropolar equations with a perturbation term | DESCARGAR | |
B. Poggi 31.07.2021 | Applications of the landscape function for Schrödinger operators with singular potentials and irregular magnetic fields | DESCARGAR | |
F. Cortez, O. Jarrín 19.07.2021 | On the long-time behavior for a damped Navier-Stokes-Bardina model | DESCARGAR | |
A. Pacheco, I. M. Sokolov 08.06.2021 | Large Deviations in Continuous Time Random Walks | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 31.05.2021 | Mixed Sobolev-like Inequalities in Lebesgue spaces of variable exponents and in Orlicz spaces | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrin 26.05.2021 | A note on the uniqueness of the trivial solution for the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations | DESCARGAR | |
M. Bourguignon, Ch. Galarza & V. Lachos 14.05.2021 | A skew-t quantile regression for censored and missing data | DESCARGAR | |
Ch. Galarza, V. Lachos, T. Lin & W. Wang 14.05.2021 | On moments of folded and truncated multivariate Student-t distributions based on recurrence relations | DESCARGAR | |
D. Dey, Ch. Galarza, L. Matos & V. Lachos 14.05.2021 | On Moments of Folded and Doubly Truncated Multivariate Extended Skew-Normal Distributions | DESCARGAR | |
Ch. Galarza, L. Matos & V. Lachos 14.05.2021 | Moments of the Doubly Truncated Selection Elliptical Distributions with Emphasis on the Unified Multivariate Skew-t Distribution | DESCARGAR | |
F. de Alencar, Ch. Galarza, L.Matos & V. Lachos 14.05.2021 | Finite Mixture Modeling of Censored and Missing Data Using the Multivariate Skew-Normal Distribution | DESCARGAR | |
D. Gallardo, M. Bourguignon, Ch.Galarza & H. Gómez 14.05.2021 | A Parametric Quantile Regression Model for Asymmetric Response Variables on the Real Line | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga et al. 04.05.2021 | Semiclassical asymptotics of infinitely many solutions for the infinite case of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with critical frequency | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga et al. 04.05.2021 | Compact embeddings of p-Sobolev-like cones of nuclear operators and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrin 13.04.2021 | On the regularity of very weak solutions for an elliptic coupled system of liquid crystal flows | DESCARGAR | |
J. Feneuil, B. Poggi 25.11.2020 | Generalized Carleson perturbations of elliptic operators and applications | DESCARGAR | |
S. Mayboroda, B. Poggi 25.11.2020 | Carleson perturbations of elliptic operators on domains with low dimensional boundaries | DESCARGAR | |
B. Poggi et al. 25.11.2020 | Critical perturbations for second-order elliptic operators. Part I: Square function bounds for layer potentials | DESCARGAR | |
U. Abdulla, B. Poggi. 25.11.2020 | Optimal Stefan Problem | DESCARGAR | |
U. Abdulla, B. Poggi 25.11.2020 | Optimal Control of the Multiphase Stefan Problem | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga, D. Tallana 7.11.2020 | Frail and strong solutions for a discontinuous p-Laplacian boundary problem | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga, J. Medina & L. Muñoz 17.11.2020 | Concentration of infinitely many solutions for the finite case of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with critical-frequency potential | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, J. He 06.11.2020 | Regularity theory for the dissipative solutions of the MHD equations | DESCARGAR | |
C. Galarza, P. Zhang & V. H. Lachos 05.11.2020 | Logistic quantile regression for bounded outcomes using a family of heavy-tailed distributions | DESCARGAR | |
R. Rodiac, P. Ubillús 05.11.2020 | Renormalized energies for unit-valued harmonic maps in multiply connected domains | DESCARGAR | |
M. B. Heredia et. al. 31.07.2020 | Aggregated Shapley effects: nearest-neighbor estimation procedure and confidence intervals. Application to avalanche long term forecasting | DESCARGAR | |
M. B. Heredia et. al. 31.07.2020 | Nonparametric estimation of aggregated Sobol’ indices: application to a depth averaged snow avalanche model | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, J. He 23.07.2020 | On the partial regularity theory for the MHD equations | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga, L. Medina & C. Muñoz 21.07.2020 | Concentration of infinitely many solutions for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with critical-frequency potential: finite case | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, E. Issoglio 21.07.2020 | Blow-up for a nonlinear PDE with fractional Laplacian and singular quadratic nonlinearity | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrin 25.06.2020 | Liouville theorems for a stationary and non-stationary coupled system of liquid crystal flows | DESCARGAR | |
F. Cortez, O. Jarrin 17.06.2020 | Spatial behavior of solutions for a large class of non-local PDE's arising from stratified flows | DESCARGAR | |
P. Fernandez, O. Jarrin 24.02.2020 | Weak suitable solutions for 3D MHD equations for intermittent initial data | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, F. Cortez, J. He & O. Jarrin 06.02.2020 | On the local regularity theory for the MHD equations | DESCARGAR | |
B. Poggi 25.01.2020 | Failure to slide: A brief note on the interplay between the Kenig-Pipher condition and absolute continuity of elliptic measures | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrin 10.01.2020 | A short note on the uniqueness of the trivial solution for the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations | DESCARGAR | |
P. Fernandez, O. Jarrin 24.10.2019 | Existence of infinite-energy and discretely self-similar global weak solutions for the 3D MHD equations | DESCARGAR | |
J.C. Bustamante 27.08.2019 | The Gerstenhaber bracket and cycles in the modules category of monomial quadratic algebra | DESCARGAR | |
O. Jarrin 29.07.2019 | A remark on the Liouville problem for stationary Navier-Stokes equations in Lorentz and Morrey spaces | DESCARGAR | |
J.C. Bustamante 29.07.2019 | From the potential to the first Hochschild cohomology group of a cluster tilted algebra | DESCARGAR | |
P. Fernandez 29.07.2019 | Weak solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations with initial data in weighted L^2 spaces | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 29.04.2019 | On the Kolmogorov dissipation law in a damped Navier-Stokes equation | DESCARGAR | |
S. Mayboroda, B. Poggi 03.02.2019 | Exponential decay estimates for fundamental solutions of Schrödinger-type operators | DESCARGAR | |
M.Belén Heredia 05.02.2019 | New statistical methods for precipitation bias correction applied to WRF model simulations in the Antisana Region (Ecuador) | DESCARGAR | |
P. Guerrero 21.01.2019 | A Two-step Fan-beam Backprojection Slice Theorem | DESCARGAR | |
Ch. Galarza, V. Lachos 26.12.2018 | Likelihood based inference for quantile regression in nonlinear mixed effects models | DESCARGAR | |
F. Cortéz 26.11.2018 | Optimal decay and asymptotic behavior of solutions to a non-local perturbed KdV equation | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 29.05.2018 | Some Liouville theorems for stationary Navier-Stokes equations in Lebesgue and Morrey spaces | DESCARGAR | |
E. Guevara 19.01.2018 | Large Deviations of the Activity in the Contact Process: Finite-Time and Finite-Nc Scalings in the Large-L Limit | DESCARGAR | |
Ch. Galarza et al. 03.10.2017 | Quantile regression in linear mixed models - A stochastic approximation EM approach | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro. 03.09.2017 | Local stability of energy estimates for the Navier–Stokes equations | DESCARGAR | |
E. Guevara et. al.. 10.07.2017 | Finite-Time and -Size Scalings in the Evaluation of Large Deviation Functions: Numerical Analysis in Continuous Time | DESCARGAR | |
E. Guevara et. al.. 10.07.2017 | Finite-Time and -Size Scalings in the Evaluation of Large Deviation Functions: Analytical Study using a Birth-Death Process | DESCARGAR | |
E. Guevara 10.07.2017 | Bin Size Independence in Intra-day Seasonalities for Relative Prices | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, O. Jarrin & P.G. Lemarié 10.05.2017 | Frequency decay for Navier-Stokes stationary solutions | DESCARGAR | |
Ch. Galarza et al. 22.03.2017 | Robust quantile regression using a generalized class of skewed distributions | DESCARGAR | |
P. Guerrero et al.. 23.12.2016 | Three-dimensional imaging of flat natural and cultural heritage objects by a Compton scatter modality | DESCARGAR | |
P. Guerrero et al. 23.12.2016 | Modelling of a New Compton Imaging Modality for an In-Depth Characterisation of Flat Heritage Objects | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, S. Menozzi 18.10.2016 | Non Linear Singular Drifts and Fractional Operators: when Besov meets Morrey and Campanato | DESCARGAR | |
O. Nájera et al. 01.09.2016 | Resolving the chicken-and-egg problem in VO2: a new paradigm for the Mott transition | DESCARGAR | |
J.C. Bustamante et al. 12.05.2016 | Representation theory of partial relation extensions | DESCARGAR | |
E. Guevara, V. Lecompte 18.04.2016 | Discreteness Effects in Population Dynamics | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, P.-G. Lemarié & K. Mayoufi 18.02.2016 | The role of the pressure in the partial regularity theory for weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations | DESCARGAR | |
F. Cortez 15.09.2015 | Slowly oscillating solution of the cubic heat equation | DESCARGAR | |
F. Cortez 15.09.2015 | Blow-up for the b-family equations | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, A. Marcoci & L. Marcoci 07.05.2015 | Functional Inequalities in Stratified Lie groups with Sobolev, Besov, Lorents and Morrey spaces | DESCARGAR | |
M. Cadena 5.04.2015 | A note on tauberian theorems of exponential type | DESCARGAR | |
M. Cadena 07.02.2015 | Revisiting extensions of regularly varying functions | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, S. Menozzi 22.12.2014 | Fractional operators with singular drift: Smoothing properties and Morrey-Campanato spaces | DESCARGAR | |
M. Cadena, M. Kratz 19.11.2014 | An extension of the class of regularly varying functions | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro, O. Jarrin 17.09.2014 | Fractional Laplacioans and nilpotent Lie groups | DESCARGAR | |
L. Brandolese, F. Cortez 08.05.2014 | Blowup issues for a class of nonlinear dispersive wave equations | DESCARGAR | |
F. Cortez, L. Brandolese 04.03.2014 | On permanent and breaking waves in hyperelastic rods and rings | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 05.01.2014 | A remark on Besov spaces interpolation over the 2-adic group | DESCARGAR | |
F. Cortez, A. Rodriguez Bernal 25.11.2013 | PDEs in moving time dependent domains | DESCARGAR | |
S. Ferradans et al 18.11.2013 | Generation of HDR images in non-static conditions based on gradient fusion | DESCARGAR | |
S. Ferradans et all 18.11.2013 | Regularized discrete optimal transport | DESCARGAR | |
S. Ferradans et al 18.11.2013 | Static and dynamic texture mixing using Optimal Transport | DESCARGAR | |
E. Cepeda 29.07.2013 | Stochastic coalescence multi-fragmentation processes | DESCARGAR | |
E. Cepeda 29.07.2013 | Well-posedness for a coagulation multiple-fragmentation equation | DESCARGAR | |
M. Soto, A. Rossi & M. Sevaux 22.07.2013 | Iterative approaches for a dynamic memory allocation problem in embedded systems | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 02.07.2013 | A molecular method applied to a non-local PDE in stratified Lie groups | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga 11.03.2013 | Sobolev-like cones of trace-class operators on unbounded domains: interpolation inequalities and compactness properties | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 23.10.2012 | Non-local diffusion equations with Lévy-type operators anddivergence free drift | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 07.12.2012 | Real Interpolation method, Lorentz spaces and refined Sobolev inequalities | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 06.01.2012 | Desigualdades logarítmicas de Gagliardo-Nirenberg mejoradas sin constantes optimales | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 15.12.2011 | Algunas herramientas matematicas para la economia y las finanzas: el movimiento Browniano y la integral de Wiener. | DESCARGAR | |
X. Carvajal, P. Gamboa & M. Panthee 06.11.2011 | A coupled Schrödinger equations with time-oscillating nonlinearity | DESCARGAR | |
X. Carvajal 26.10.2011 | A remark on admissible triples for the generalized KdV equation | DESCARGAR | |
P. Toasa 25.10.2011 | General probability weighted moments for the three-parameter Weibull Distribution and their application in S-N curves modelling | DESCARGAR | |
M. Soto, A. Rossi & M. Sevaux 10.06.2011 | Three new upper bounds on the chromatic number | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 12.04.2011 | Remarks on a fractional diffusion transport equation with applications to the dissipative quasi-geostrophic | DESCARGAR | |
M. Soto, A. Rossi & M. Sevaux 04.12.2010 | A mathematical model and a metaheuristic approach for a memory allocation problem | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 02.11.2010 | A counterexample for improved Sobolev inequalities over the 2-adic group | DESCARGAR | |
E. Cepeda 04.10.2010 | Louchowski's equation: rate of convergence of the Marcus - Lushnikov process | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 16.09.2010 | Some functional inequalities on polynomial volume growth Lie groups | DESCARGAR | |
S. Carrera 09.09.2010 | Scheduling supply chain node with fixed components arrivals and two partially flexible deliveries | DESCARGAR | |
S. Carrera 27.08.2010 | Scheduling problems for logistic platforms with fixed staircase component arrivals and various deliveries hypotheses | DESCARGAR | |
X. Carvajal, M. Panthee 01.04.2010 | On uniqneness and decay of solution for Hirota equation | DESCARGAR | |
X. Carvajal, W. Neves 28.03.2010 | Persistence of solutions to higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation | DESCARGAR | |
L. Gordillo 28.02.2010 | The effects of reducing mating likelihood on population viability | DESCARGAR | |
L. Gordillo 28.02.2010 | q-Hausdorff summability | DESCARGAR | |
S. Carrera 11.06.2009 | Outils d’aide à la décision pour le lissage de charges des plateformes | DESCARGAR | |
S. Carrera 26.02.2008 | Modèle linéaire pour le lissage de charge d'une plateforme | DESCARGAR | |
E. Cepeda 30.03.2007 | Portafolio de consumo. Problema de Merton | DESCARGAR | |
E. Cepeda 30.03.2007 | Cálculo estocástico y finanzas de mercado | DESCARGAR | |
B. Alvarez, X. Carvajal 03.05.2007 | On the local well-posedness for some systems of coupled KdV equations | DESCARGAR | |
D. Chamorro 27.02.2007 | Improved Sobolev Inequalities and Muckenhoupt weights on stratified Lie groups | DESCARGAR | |
J. Mayorga 10.11.2005 | Multiplicity and concentration for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with critical frequency | DESCARGAR | |
X. Carvajal 24.08.2005 | A priori estimates for solutions of a nonlinear dispersive equation | DESCARGAR | |
X. Carvajal 30.04.2005 | Sharp global well-posedness for a higher order Schrödinger equation | DESCARGAR | |
X. Carvajal 31.06.2003 | Well-posedness for a higher order Nonlinear Schrödinger equation in Sobolev spaces of negative indices | DESCARGAR | |
M. Calahorrano, J. Mayorga 01.11.2000 | A Discontinuous Problem with Quasilinear Operator | DESCARGAR |